Personal Loans

Personal Loans

Personal Loans

Say goodbye to high-interest credit cards and fees that add up fast with a low-rate loan from Your Home Bank.  Whether you’re trading in your old steed of a car for something more reliable or upgrading your home for a growing family, we’re here to help make it happen for you.

Aroostook Savings & Loan will also provide personal loans for other reasons like pre-purchasing fuel oil, vacations, and lawn equipment. Applying for a Personal Loan (minimum loan amount – $2,000) at Your Home Bank is quick and easy. Why wait days for an approval? We can give you an answer the same day on most Personal Loan requests. Need your money today? At Aroostook Savings and Loan, that’s no problem.

With Your Home Bank, we offer you a variety of personal loan financing options:

  • Low fixed rates
  • Flexible terms available
  • Secured and unsecured loans available
  • Credit lines: you’ll have easy, on-going access to your funds when you need it

Give us a call today or stop by one of our branches to get started. With your good credit rating and our professional expertise, getting a loan is simple and fast.